Interior at Exelixis 1701 HBP life science facility inside lab with people working

Exelixis 1701 Harbor Bay Parkway

Alameda, California
Interior at Exelixis 1701 HBP life science facility circulation with science on display views into labs and people working
Interior at Exelixis 1701 HBP life science facility inside laboratory
Interior at Exelixis 1701 HBP life science facility inside lab with people working
Interior at Exelixis 1701 HBP life science facility open and private offices with people working
Interior at Exelixis 1701 HBP life science facility conference room with people working wearing masks
Interior at Exelixis 1701 HBP life science facility inside breakroom kitchen
Interior at Exelixis 1701 HBP life science facility conference room with people meeting wearing masks